​North Central Region:
NC-170 (2012-2017): Protective Gear for Hazardous Occupations
NC-213 (2008-2013): Quality Grains and Processing Co-Products
NC-1034 (2006-2011): Impact Analysis and Decision Strategies
NC-1035 (2006-2011): Practical Management of Nematodes on Crops
NC-1041 (2007-2012): Enteric Diseases of Swine and Cattle: Prevention, Control and Food Safety
NC-1170 (2018-2023): Improving Poultry Genetics & Production
NC-1172 (2008-2013): The Complex Nature of Saving: Psychological and Economic Factors
NC-1173 (2009-2014): Sustainable Solutions to Problems Affecting Bee Health
NC-1180 (2009-2014): Controlling Poultry Respiratory Diseases
NC-1184 (2015-2020): Improving Animal Muscle Growth for Efficient Meat Production
NC-1186 (2011-2016): Managing Irrigation for Ornamental Crops
NC-1187 (2015-2020): Particulate Matter Affecting Air, Water, and Soil Quality
NC-1190 (2011-2016): Improving the Management of Our Water Resources
NC-1192 (2011-2016): Controlling Respiratory Disease in Cattle
NC-1193 (2011-2016): Influencing Healthy Habits Among Young Adults
NC-1193 (2016-2021): Encouraging Healthy Habits Among Young Adults
NC-1194 (2016-2021): Nanotechnology in Agriculture & Food Systems
NC-1196 (2011-2016): How Do Food Systems Influence Human Health
NCCC-170 (2006-2011): Research Advances in Agricultural Statistics
NCERA-59: Soil Organic Matter: Formation, Function, and Management
NCERA-89: Managing Swine Production to Enhance Animal Welfare
NCERA-101 (2006-2011): Controlled Environment Use and Technology
NCERA-101 (2020-2024): Committee on Controlled Environment Technology & Use
NCERA-180 (2011-2016): Improving Precision Agriculture Technology
NCERA-193 (2007-2012): IPM Strategies for Arthropod Pests and Diseases in Nurseries and Landscapes
NCERA-197 (2010-2015): Agricultural Safety and Health Research
NCERA-197 (2015-2020): Agricultural Safety and Health Research
NCERA-208 (2006-2011): Response to Emerging Threat: Soybean Rust
NCERA-214 (2009-2014): Increased Efficiency of Sheep Production
NCERA-217 (2009-2014): Drainage Design and Management Practices to Improve Water Quality
NCERA-222 (2011-2016): Improving Pest Management in the North Central U.S.
Northeast Region:
NE-1031 (2007-2012): Eastern Potato Varieties and Farm Sustainability
NE-1041 (2009-2014): Environmental Impacts of Equine Operations
NE-1042 (2009-2014): Optimizing Poultry Welfare and Production
NE-1043 (2009-2014): Mosquito-Borne Diseases, Human Health and the Economy
NE-1335 (2013-2018): Managing Controlled Environments Efficiently
NE-1336 (2013-2018): Protecting Fresh Fruit Shelf Life & Quality
NE-1501 (2015-2020): Using Chemical Ecology to Control Pests and Protect Pollinators
NE-1545 (2015-2020): Designing and Managing Climate-Resilient Septic Systems
NE-1720 (2017-2022): Improving Wine Grapes for American Growers & Winemakers
NE-1833 (2018-2023): Improving & Restoring American Chestnut Trees​
NE-1962 (2012-2017): The Benefits of Outdoor Green Spaces & Recreation
NE-2140 (2021-2026): Sustainable Management of Nematodes in Plants & Soils
NE-2334: Understanding the Genetics of Immunity & Resistance to Avian Diseases
NEERA-1604 (2016-2021): Coordinating IPM in the Northeastern U.S.
​Southern Region:
S-294 (2011-2016): Ensuring the Quality & Safety of Fresh-cut Produce
S-1029 (2006-2011): Combatting Mosquitoes and Crop Pests in Rice Fields
S-1030 (2007-2012): Flies Impacting Livestock, Poultry and Food Safety
S-1032 (2008-2013): Animal Production Systems: Synthesizing Methods to Determine Sustainability
S-1039 (2007-2012): Biology, Impact, and Management of Soybean Insect Pests
S-1045 (2009-2014): Genetic Considerations for Beef Cattle Production in Challenging Environments
S-1046 (2009-2014): Improved Management of Plant-parasitic Nematodes
S-1049 (2010-2015): Integrated Management of Pecan Arthropod Pests in the Southern U.S.
S-1050 (2010-2015): Consumer Behavior & Marketing in the Produce Industry
S-1071 (2017-2022): Emphasizing STEM in Agricultural Education
S-1075 (2018-2023): The Science and Engineering for a Biobased Industry and Economy
S-1077 (2018-2023): Enhancing Microbial Food Safety by Risk Analysis
S-1089: Predicting and Mitigating Pollutants in Watersheds​
​SERA-3 (2007-2012): Southern Region Information Exchange Group for IPM
SERA-47 (2016-2021): Research & Extension to Support Local Food Systems
SCC-81 (2007-2012): Small Ruminant Production in the Southeastern U.S.
Western Region:
W-504 (2006-2011): Biology & Management of Spotted Wing Drosophila in Fruits
W-1005 (2007-2012): Preventing Obesity in High Risk Families
W-1008 (2007-2012) Iris Yellow Spot Virus and Thrips in Onions
W-1112 (2006-2011): Reproductive Performance in Domestic Ruminants
W-1167 (2006-2011): The Changing Landscape of Women in America
W-1173 (2006-2011): Stress Factors of Farm Animals and Effects on Performance
W-2004 (2009-2014): Marketing and Management of Fisheries and Aquaculture
W-2112 (2011-2016): Improving the Reproductive Performance of Cattle & Sheep
W-2128 (2009-2014): Microirrigation for Sustainable Water Use
W-2170 (2009-2014): Soil-Based Use of Residuals, Wastewater, and Reclaimed Water
W-2171 (2009-2014): Genetic Manipulation for Improvement of Livestock
W-2173 (2011-2016): The Impacts of Stress on Animal Welfare and Performance
W-2185 (2007-2012): Biological Control of Pests in Plant Systems
W-2191 (2012-2017): Protecting Older Adults from Financial Exploitation
W-3045 (2015-2020): Understanding and Mitigating the Impacts of Agrochemicals
W-3133 (2012-2017): The Economic Value of Ecosystem Services
W-3192 (2019-2024): Protective Clothing for Wildland Firefighters
W-4045 (2023): Understanding and Mitigating the Adverse Impacts of Agrochemicals
W-4045 (2024): Understanding and Mitigating the Adverse Impacts of Agrochemicals
W-4122 (2017-2022): Understanding Bioactive Dietary Chemicals
WERA-20 (2006-2011): Virus and Virus-Like Diseases of Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, and Grapevines
WERA-66 (2006-2011): Integrated Management of Cereal Arthropod Pests
WERA-89 (2006-2011): Potato Virus and Virus-Like Disease Management
WERA-99 (2006-2011): Molluscan Shellfish Broodstock Management
WERA-1007 (2006-2011): Curly Top Virus Biology, Transmission, Ecology, and Management
WERA-1017 (2011-2016): IPM Research & Extension in the Western U.S.
National Research Support Projects:
Topical Impact Statements feature multiple Hatch Multistate research projects tackling the same issue.